A Legacy of firefighting in the City of Dallas
For over 50 years, the Museum has been operated by active-duty and retired firefighters. Working during their time off, they have given tours, managed educational programming, and maintained the Museum. The board ensures that the memory of fallen firefighters sacrificed will not be forgotten. The Museum works to collect, preserve, and present the history and cultural heritage of the fire service of Dallas and to provide fire prevention and all-hazards life safety education to the public, especially children.
The mission of the Dallas Firefighter’s Museum is to collect, preserve, and present the history and cultural heritage of the department, to honor its fallen heroes, and to provide fire prevention, protection, and all-hazards life safety education to the public, especially children.

Executive Board

Trixie G. Lohrke
Board President
Battalion Chief 8B
DFR Retired

Daniel DeYear
Board Vice President
Deputy Chief, DFR

Ray Cherry
Board Secretary
Honorary Chief

Sherwood E. Blount, Jr.
Capital Campaign Chair
Honorary Chief

Chuck Hampton
Battalion Chief 5A
DFR Retired
BOard of Directors

David Allen
Battalion Chief
Cedar Hill Fire Dept. Retired

Rett Blankenship
Past Museum President
Captain, DFR Retired

Debbie Carlin
Assistant Chief
DFR Retired

Gene Conway
Texas Fire Museum

Kimberly L. Davies
Registered Nurse
Children's Health

Cali M. Franks-Field

Stuart Grant
Assistant Chief, GFD
Deputy Chief DFR Retired

Don Howard
Captain, Arson
DFR Retired

Stephan J. Lopez Jr . Deputy Chief

Debra Mullins
Section Chief, IA
DFR Retired

Laurel Pittman
Captain, Arson
Ronnie Yankey
Paramedic Captain
Irving Fire Dept Retired
Texas Fire Museum

Denny Burris
Chaplain, DFR Retired
Dale Carman
Groove Jones
Mark Davies
Jimmy Faulkner
Fleet Services Manager, DFR Retired
Steven Randall Franks
Elaine Maddox
Chaplain, DFR
Marshall Pettway
Fire Rescue Officer 37C, DFR
Joe Piper
Head of EMS Training, DFR
John Slate
City Archivist, Dallas Municipal Archives
Ronnie Tocci
Captain, ARFF Training Coordinator, DFR
Justin Treaster
Fire Rescue Officer, DFR Retired
Sherrie C. Wilson
Driver Engineer, DFR Retired
Corbin Blount
Museum Docents
Gary "Bubba" Benningfield
Jerry "Zip" Crawford
Michael G. Hoskins
Terry May
Michael J. Rogers
Key Committee Members
Mary Brown
Patty Pickard
Shannon Braden
Karen Hoskins, 0ffical Museum Photographer

Building for
the Future
When the Board of the Dallas Firefighter's Museum decided that they wanted to expand the part of the mission statement that speaks to teaching fire safety to children, they decided to increase the outreach exponentially with an emphasis on fire prevention and all-hazards life safety education towards school-age children.
The Board knew that they would need to upgrade the facility as the Museum had never been renovated since its opening in 1975. The Board planned a capital campaign into two phases which consisted of Phase I to renovate the exterior of the building and Phase II to renovate the entire interior of the building.